It can be worth the price however, since the only downside of using a T3 cruiser for exploration is the relatively small cargohold, so you'll have to drop off your loot more often than with the Stratios, limiting your range a bit. The hull itself costs less than the Stratios, but with the subsystems and fits, you will have to spend more than half a billion ISK. The ship, no matter which you pick, will be the most expensive of all the exploration ships. Due to their subsystems they can be fit to ignore bubbles, use a covops cloak and maintain a reasonable tank and align time as well as carry refits with them. T3s are the most versatile ships in the game and it is this versatility that allows them to participate in exploration. Brave Dojo has a good YouTube video on this topic Here. Note: Interceptors are not inherently immune to warp bubbles after the May 2021 nullification changes, they need Interdiction Nulifier module equipped. Interceptors that can be fit to insta-warp are the Ares, the Raptor, the Stiletto and the Crusader. Fits again depend on your skills (especially for the align time), so you will have to find out on your own what works for you. If you specialise in one type of exploration (relic or data), then you can use rigs and modules to focus on that and mitigate the lack of a hull bonus a bit.

They don't have a bonus towards exploration, but can be fit to be "insta-warp" (align time of less than 2s) and are bubble immune, so for null sec exploration they have a certain advantage. You can swap one of the mids (cargo scanner or a rangefinder array) with a data analyzer if you would like.Īnother option when it comes to T2 frigates are Interceptors. With boosts to scanning, hacking and, of course, CovOps cloak, it's easy to see why.

It is certainly one of the purposes for which CCP created it. The Astero, according to many, is the quintessential explo frigate. And, as always, if you have a question - never not ask. The best way to git gud is to get out there and do it - even if you don't know everything yet. We have also put a lot of work into making this guide clear and easy to use. However, you can be successful with even basic knowledge and understanding of what's involved. There are quite a few topics that are beneficial, even vital to know. The contents of the cans are salvage, BPCs, commodities and various items used for building or inventing advanced ships or modules. This minigame follows the same rules and procedures at all sites, but varies in difficulty and requires different modules to initiate. Hacking is done via a minefield-like minigame. There are several types of sites that an explorer would be interested in: Relic, Data, Covert and Sleeper. An explorer will scan the system for certain types of sites and hack the cans at the site for the loot they contain. Many systems in New Eden have hidden sites called Cosmic Signatures. It can be skilled into very easily and scales up well if you invest time and SP into it. Exploration is a great way to make money especially for new players.